Saturday, August 27, 2016

New to the Disney Store - 8/27

Usually on Tuesdays I am able to post what's new to the Disney Store, however due to work this week I had to push most of my daily posts to the end of the week.

One thing to note at the beginning, look at these deals:

So, when going onto the Disney Store you are able to see new items from the previous weeks. However, like every week there are new items to the Disney Store.

The first items, are now that we're approaching the falling more Halloween costumes are available.

Then, in correlation to the costumes, additional clothing was added.

Star Wars Tumblers are now available.

There are wall signs, I would love having some of these on my wall.

There is a Beauty and the Beast Figurine. I want the so badly!

In addition, there is a limited edition of The Art of Belle Disney Pins.

Since Halloween is coming up, it's time to decorate the house!

As always, the store always offers additional new ornaments. I want all of these. I want a Disney Christmas tree in my future because of these ornaments.

Jack Skellington and Sally Figurines, (not by Jim Shore).

There is a Haunted Mansion coin; which as we know I would want.

There is a Tinkerbell Figurine designed by Jim Shore, in addition to multiple others (like Mickey Mouse).

Lastly, there were great new plushies (all in pirate form).

TeeFury, Ript Apparel, The Yetee 8/27

Every day I always look at the designs on these three sites: TeeFuryRipt ApparelThe Yetee

If I were to pick my favorite design, it would have to be both of the designs on TeeFury!

Below I am posting images from each site.

The one thing about these sites though is if you see this the next day usually you only have until 12pm (EST) to get it. If you want to check out the designs going on TODAY (whatever today is for you) click on the link above. :)

These are the designs on TeeFury. The first design is Harry Potter and the second design is Hermione Granger; both are on their own playing cards.

These are the designs on Ript Apparel. The first design is the T-800 Model 101 Terminator. The second design is Duck Dodgers meets RoboCop which created Gizmo Cop! The third design is an LL Cool Jazz robot, this transformer looks so suave.

These are the designs on The Yetee. The first design is Beetlejuice characters. Whatever you do, don't say Beetlejuice, Bettlejuice, Bettlejuice.. Oh no! It's too late. The second design is from Twin Peaks's Margret Lanterman's log, which "does not judge."

Friday, August 26, 2016

TeeFury, Ript Apparel, The Yetee 8/26

Every day I always look at the designs on these three sites: TeeFuryRipt ApparelThe Yetee

If I were to pick my favorite design, it would have to be the Le Petit Prince design on TeeFury!

Below I am posting images from each site.

The one thing about these sites though is if you see this the next day usually you only have until 12pm (EST) to get it. If you want to check out the designs going on TODAY (whatever today is for you) click on the link above. :)

These are the designs on TeeFury. The first design is Rick (from Rick and Morty) as Le Petit Prince; I would love this is poster form! The second design is Calvin and Hobbs as Batman and Alfred (super cute).

These are the designs on Ript Apparel. The first design is a girl and it's saying Nerf This, this is definitely how it feels like when you're in battle with nerf guns! The second design is "Heroes Never Die." The third design is Sonic the Hedgehog running on a wheel.

These are the designs on The Yetee. The first design is Mario trying to get to Bowser, but constantly never able to reach him! The second design is a golden gun.

In addition, as you can see, the second design is in a metallic ink.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

TeeFury, Ript Apparel, The Yetee 8/25

Every day I always look at the designs on these three sites: TeeFuryRipt ApparelThe Yetee

If I were to pick my favorite design, it would have to be the Doctor Who design on TeeFury!

Below I am posting images from each site.

The one thing about these sites though is if you see this the next day usually you only have until 12pm (EST) to get it. If you want to check out the designs going on TODAY (whatever today is for you) click on the link above. :)

These are the designs on TeeFury. The first design is the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors sitting on a Tardis! The second design is related to Stranger Things.

These are the designs on Ript Apparel. The first design is Beavis and Butthead as Batman and Robin aka "ButtMan." The second design is a Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat battle between Joker & Harley Quinn vs. Batman. The third design is Jack Skellington (like Joker) with a Halloween laugh behind him.

These are the designs on The Yetee. The first design is Kamek pondering how to attack Yoshi next! The second design is Mario giving pizza to characters that he's attacked and driven crazy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Pop In a Box ad

I recently finally signed up for the Pop in a Box subscription box! I am so excited for this.

Feel free to click the ad at the bottom of the page, you'll be able to get 20% off!

This will make it easier for me not only to do my Pop Thursday posts but also I will be able to get Disney (and other) pops that I really want. I have a list of 100's that they will be picking from, and not that there were countless others I wanted too (however I needed to narrow it down to the ones I really want.

Please let me know if you want me to provide a list of all of them (I currently have them all written out into a notebook (36 pages aka 18 pages with both sides)).