Monday, August 15, 2016

Movie Monday - 8/15

For Movie Monday I watched: The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

The #moviemonday choice for this week was #grandbudapesthotel with #ralphfiennes #willemdafoe #adrienbrody #saoirseronan #tonyrevolori and many many more! On my #blog (#blogpost), you can see the #review for this movie. --- If you have any #suggestions for the next movie I should watch, please feel free to comment below!

After watching this movie for the fourth time, I have to admit I really enjoy this movie. The movie is about a Hotel in it's prime, and then there's a murder. This movie is action-packed, with romance, and adventure. I don't want to give anything away because there are many twists and turns.

If I were to give this a rating from one to five (five being the best), I would give this a four and a half because I enjoyed this movie, and it flowed nicely. Then again with any movie there were some parts I would have changed.

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