Sunday, August 7, 2016

TeeFury, Ript Apparel, The Yetee 8/6

Every day I always look at the designs on these three sites: TeeFuryRipt ApparelThe Yetee

My favorite, even though I do love Sailor Moon, is the Fox design on TeeFury!

Below I am posting images from each site.

The one thing about these sites though is if you see this the next day usually you only have until 12pm (EST) to get it. If you want to check out the designs going on TODAY (whatever today is for you) click on the link above. :)

These are the designs on TeeFury. The first is a firey Godzilla. He's obviously destroying everything in his path. The second design is a Fox, that is saying "Look at all the Fox I give!" This is super cute, and look at his little grumpy face.

These are the designs on Ript Apparel. The first design is Luna, from Sailor Moon, clearly suppose to be queen like Simba! The second design is Sailor Moon, like Daria, judgement is eminating off of her! The third design is Samus, tripping from walking backwards!

These are on The Yetee. Apparently these are Mizutsune and Gammoth from the Hunting Club. However, I have no idea what these are from.

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