Thursday, July 14, 2016

Really Quick Hi! :)

I just wanted to send a message and say hi to all my readers! I never expected my site to get many views in the US in general let alone in France, Germany, and now China! This is honestly so exciting. I really appreciate seeing you read my page, and seeing that some of you keep coming back. 

Feel free to e-mail me or leave comments with any suggestions that you might have on things I'm doing that you like seeing or even things you might want to see. :) 

I have a few ideas that I've already started to work on, and a bunch more that I've written on post-it notes when I'm sitting at work. I'm hoping I could start posting those soon, looks like my schedule might be freeing up more where I can; so that's very exciting!

In French: Bonjour. Bienvenue sur mon blog. Merci beaucoup! Vous ne savez pas combien cela signifie pour moi!

In German: Hallo. Wilkommen auf meinem Blog. Ich danke dir sehr! Sie haben keine Ahnung, wie viel das bedeutet für mich!

In Chinese: 你好。欢迎来到我的博客。非常感谢 你!你不知道多少,这对我意味着什 么!

In English: Hello. Welcome to my blog. Thank you very much! You have no idea how much this means to me!

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