Tuesday, July 12, 2016

TeeFury, Ript Apparel, The Yetee 7/12

Every day I always look at the designs on these three sites: TeeFuryRipt ApparelThe Yetee

Out of the choices for today. I think the little marvel universe characters are cute so this might be my "favorite" of the day.

Below I am posting images from each site.

The one thing about these sites though is if you see this the next day usually you only have until 12pm (EST) to get it. If you want to check out the designs going on TODAY (whatever today is for you) click on the link above. :)

These are the designs on TeeFury today. The first you can see are characters from the marvel universe in "mini" form. This is cute, but honestly with a design like this I would rather see it on a poster, you know? The second is Deadpool being launched; and ready for action.

These are the designs on Ript Apparel. This first is labeled Gargman, because of Batman and gargoyles. This is cool, but that's probably more of your thing if you're a fan. Next, Gym Gordon. James Gordon is trying to whip us all in to shape. Due to this "ad" I would be almost afraid to step into this gym. Then, there is the suicide squad as a baseball team.. That game looks like it could get messy.

This is the design on The Yetee. The design is of the characters from Star Fox; Slippy Toad, Falco Lombardi, Fox McCloud, and Peppy Hare. I like the siloette of the characters, and how it feels like the night sky.

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