Friday, July 15, 2016

TeeFury, Ript Apparel, The Yetee 7/15

Every day I always look at the designs on these three sites: TeeFuryRipt ApparelThe Yetee

Of all of the designs, I think I really like TeeFury's today!

Below I am posting images from each site.

The one thing about these sites though is if you see this the next day usually you only have until 12pm (EST) to get it. If you want to check out the designs going on TODAY (whatever today is for you) click on the link above. :)

These are the designs available on TeeFury. I am loving this first one, because you have Darth Vader living his dreams, of trying to reach for the stars in the galaxy; being all cute and adorable. If I had a kid, and if I could get this in poster form, this would definitely be hanging in their room. The next design is level up's, health's, energy and mana potions, and a little hint of magic (fairy in the middle). This design is so cute and clever, I really quite enjoy looking at it each time and noticing something need in the collection of items.

These are designs on Ript Apparel today. On a funny note, I don't know if you can tell, but one of these shirts looks familiar. The reason is because on July 7th this Godzilla shirt was on TeeFury, and I spoke to you about it. That's pretty cool. "I saved NY," this is a ghostbusters t-shirt (I would assume in response to the movie). The weapon, in case you don't know is called a Proton Pack; this device helps weaken and aids the capture of ghosts. The last design on Ript Apparel titled "Compliance Enforcement" is the "OCP Detroit" which means Omni Consumer Products aka RoboCop! I like how this design seems like a crisp clean image, and looks like a cop design would.

This is the design on The Yetee. I honestly don't know what this is from, however I like the concept of old items and knick knacks being for sale on a shirt. Apparently Save Scummung means to save a game whenever you get the result you like, restore the saved game whenever you get a result you don't like, or before you face a risk. Interesting, I could see this meaning relating to the t-shirt design. Pretty cool!

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