Saturday, July 2, 2016

Daily Paintings - The Art of Piper Thibodeau

The other day when I was sitting at work, checking on Kickstarters I have back (observing statuses and what not) I was curious about new art books that were being developed. I have backed a couple, and who could honestly dislike an art book. Well, I know I can't. Next thing I know, I came across this cute campaign. This artist for the past four years has been doing daily animal/ creature designs. So, I decided to back her. I wanted to share this with you because she has worked on projects with well known companies like Nickelodeon and Penguin Books! Sooo cool! I hope you're able to check this Kickstarter out, and pledge if you can because it's important to support artist's dreams.

This is what the book is going to look like!

Also, here is an example of some of the pieces she has done!

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