Friday, July 8, 2016

TeeFury, Ript Apparel, The Yetee 7/8

Every day I always look at the designs on these three sites: TeeFuryRipt ApparelThe Yetee

Out of the choices for today. If I'm going to be honest, which I usually tend to be, none of the designs really jumped out at me being like "OMG I LOVE IT".. But it's up to you, you might like them all a lot.

Below I am posting images from each site.

The one thing about these sites though is if you see this the next day usually you only have until 12pm (EST) to get it. If you want to check out the designs going on TODAY (whatever today is for you) click on the link above. :)

You'd think with working from home today, I would've been able to publish this sooner.

On TeeFury today, it appears there are are two The Legend of Zelda designs. The Blue one is a Snoopy/Charlie Brown interpretation. The other design implements weapons and tools used in the games.
 The following designs are on Ript Apparel. The first of which is a HP Lovecraft Cthulhu Love image... He just makes you want to fall in love, doesn't he? The next is a D&D Game of Thrones rule book. I'd follow Daenerys anywhere! (Besides the fact that it's Emilia Clarke!). Then it's the the devil's gym. Pushing you to the limit, and then further. "Pain is their game," the company's moto (of course).

Lastly, the images from The Yetee.  The obvious, Pepsi logo, and the person suggesting (looks like) that it gets you on the move. The other is a Game Pack, I really like how it's an old school gameboy cartridge. Pretty cool designs.

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